all postcodes in GL7 / FAIRFORD

find any address or company within the GL7 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL7 1UN 7 0 51.702502 -1.976076
GL7 1UP 2 1 51.716028 -1.971747
GL7 1UQ 56 0 51.702788 -1.970071
GL7 1UR 7 3 51.713004 -1.979805
GL7 1US 6 5 51.713875 -1.974218
GL7 1UT 1 1 51.713904 -1.983799
GL7 1UW 8 0 51.709334 -1.969632
GL7 1UX 2 1 51.713655 -1.975932
GL7 1XU 25 0 51.711071 -1.979661
GL7 1UY 1 1 51.712383 -1.975463
GL7 1UZ 11 0 51.710609 -1.983445
GL7 1WA 63 0 51.704443 -1.974136
GL7 1WB 16 0 51.703194 -1.976872
GL7 1WD 14 0 51.702052 -1.97654
GL7 1WE 41 0 51.705694 -1.977985
GL7 1WF 30 0 51.70654 -1.98179
GL7 1WG 20 0 51.708652 -1.978403
GL7 1WJ 10 0 51.708038 -1.967665
GL7 1WN 59 0 51.706036 -1.980474
GL7 1WW 1 1 51.704331 -1.959275