all postcodes in GL7 / FAIRFORD

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Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL7 1BG 0 51.714996 -1.963492
GL7 1HJ 0 51.714502 -1.963275
GL7 1PW 18 0 51.707824 -1.957222
GL7 1UU 5 0 51.713498 -1.976157
GL7 1GS 0 51.715725 -1.966646
GL7 1GR 0 51.709592 -1.962106
GL7 1FR 5 0 51.712831 -1.968356
GL7 1FP 2 2 51.714599 -1.973384
GL7 1GJ 12 0 51.719612 -1.949388
GL7 1GH 12 0 51.719334 -1.949229
GL7 1LS 0 51.721302 -1.948503
GL7 1LH 0 51.721032 -1.947896
GL7 1LU 0 51.721464 -1.948373
GL7 1GB 0 51.721752 -1.947765
GL7 1GN 0 51.722255 -1.9483
GL7 1RJ 18 0 51.720071 -1.949764
GL7 1RN 40 0 51.720422 -1.950618
GL7 1RR 5 0 51.720845 -1.950748
GL7 1RS 44 0 51.720889 -1.94917
GL7 1RX 6 0 51.721555 -1.950457