all postcodes in GL7 / FAIRFORD

find any address or company within the GL7 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL7 1XX 43 0 51.710028 -1.981905
GL7 1XY 32 0 51.709604 -1.970964
GL7 1XZ 51 0 51.708004 -1.972933
GL7 1YA 11 5 51.709517 -1.96683
GL7 1YB 10 0 51.708559 -1.965161
GL7 1YD 15 11 51.707363 -1.963888
GL7 1QY 2 2 51.708176 -1.962475
GL7 1YF 12 0 51.70929 -1.977462
GL7 1YG 60 45 51.705001 -1.960177
GL7 1YE 5 4 51.708572 -1.963112
GL7 1YH 56 0 51.708382 -1.977231
GL7 1YJ 2 1 51.701284 -1.961202
GL7 1YL 2 2 51.708517 -1.960897
GL7 1YN 43 0 51.70778 -1.979894
GL7 1YP 3 3 51.703842 -1.960786
GL7 1YS 33 29 51.703863 -1.957828
GL7 1YT 20 16 51.702817 -1.960816
GL7 1YU 6 0 51.707196 -1.979764
GL7 1YW 36 0 51.708677 -1.967274
GL7 1YY 6 0 51.7114 -1.965911