all postcodes in GU11 / ALDERSHOT

find any address or company within the GU11 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU11 1HY 19 0 51.247852 -0.758675
GU11 1JG 9 6 51.247761 -0.758606
GU11 1JP 24 0 51.245318 -0.763113
GU11 1JQ 1 1 51.248299 -0.76352
GU11 1JR 3 3 51.248436 -0.765479
GU11 1JU 23 7 51.248456 -0.766453
GU11 1JW 17 11 51.248335 -0.76435
GU11 1JX 49 13 51.248493 -0.762354
GU11 1JZ 7 3 51.248652 -0.766319
GU11 1LB 65 0 51.247486 -0.76231
GU11 1LE 9 0 51.247961 -0.763916
GU11 1LF 1 0 51.248123 -0.763912
GU11 1LG 28 0 51.247607 -0.765441
GU11 1LH 24 0 51.247251 -0.764963
GU11 1LJ 34 5 51.247043 -0.764797
GU11 1LP 18 0 51.24744 -0.763099
GU11 1LQ 31 0 51.247982 -0.765864
GU11 1LS 3 3 51.247542 -0.763537
GU11 1LT 4 0 51.247691 -0.762372
GU11 1LW 45 0 51.247458 -0.762253