all postcodes in GU11 / ALDERSHOT

find any address or company within the GU11 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU11 3FQ 22 0 51.236593 -0.763748
GU11 3GL 6 0 51.247278 -0.778491
GU11 3HA 33 0 51.241773 -0.761188
GU11 3HB 32 0 51.242547 -0.760394
GU11 3HD 6 0 51.242869 -0.760285
GU11 3HE 38 0 51.241582 -0.760205
GU11 3HF 16 0 51.240349 -0.760052
GU11 3HG 11 0 51.240256 -0.758965
GU11 3HH 36 0 51.241369 -0.75958
GU11 3HJ 5 0 51.241989 -0.758661
GU11 3HL 1 1 51.248633 -0.761118
GU11 3HN 13 1 51.241389 -0.757187
GU11 3HP 6 0 51.245134 -0.766958
GU11 3HQ 30 0 51.241031 -0.758185
GU11 3HR 12 0 51.240862 -0.757602
GU11 3HT 24 0 51.24396 -0.76994
GU11 3HU 6 4 51.249025 -0.768641
GU11 3HX 21 0 51.244538 -0.772719
GU11 3HZ 3 0 51.247341 -0.773375
GU11 3JB 1 0 51.248395 -0.76922