all postcodes in GU16 / CAMBERLEY

find any address or company within the GU16 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU16 6QT 28 2 51.307099 -0.705384
GU16 6QU 3 0 51.306649 -0.706806
GU16 6QX 16 0 51.305313 -0.707285
GU16 6QY 6 0 51.303654 -0.710046
GU16 6QZ 2 0 51.303546 -0.714191
GU16 6RA 3 0 51.30402 -0.711413
GU16 6RB 2 0 51.304771 -0.718461
GU16 6RD 14 0 51.302951 -0.712361
GU16 6RE 2 0 51.303181 -0.709669
GU16 6RF 18 15 51.301425 -0.711758
GU16 6RG 2 0 51.302624 -0.714619
GU16 6RH 1 0 51.299774 -0.70806
GU16 6RJ 4 0 51.298967 -0.703393
GU16 6RN 1 1 51.306442 -0.69872
GU16 6RQ 4 0 51.300312 -0.699754
GU16 6RR 1 0 51.300925 -0.694286
GU16 6RS 2 0 51.304241 -0.707114
GU16 6RT 2 0 51.302832 -0.704127
GU16 6RU 12 0 51.308369 -0.705409
GU16 6RW 1 1 51.306442 -0.69872