all postcodes in GU16 / CAMBERLEY

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Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU16 6PN 37 0 51.301417 -0.722502
GU16 6PP 6 0 51.301877 -0.724369
GU16 6PQ 1 0 51.295694 -0.711474
GU16 6PR 14 0 51.303639 -0.72267
GU16 6PS 8 0 51.303121 -0.723789
GU16 6PT 2 2 51.302634 -0.720317
GU16 6PU 44 0 51.30415 -0.724105
GU16 6PW 11 0 51.302359 -0.723954
GU16 6PX 19 0 51.304633 -0.723102
GU16 6PY 5 0 51.304754 -0.721793
GU16 6QA 1 0 51.304796 -0.719855
GU16 6QB 44 0 51.305761 -0.721837
GU16 6QD 8 0 51.303709 -0.728191
GU16 6QH 30 0 51.308995 -0.70509
GU16 6QJ 12 0 51.308635 -0.7084
GU16 6QL 1 0 51.30766 -0.714539
GU16 6QN 7 0 51.308194 -0.709101
GU16 6QP 26 3 51.308054 -0.704571
GU16 6QQ 1 1 51.302735 -0.725507
GU16 6QS 7 0 51.307568 -0.705485