all postcodes in GU16 / CAMBERLEY

find any address or company within the GU16 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU16 6NL 15 6 51.302104 -0.727016
GU16 6NP 14 0 51.301136 -0.726469
GU16 6NN 21 0 51.301544 -0.72597
GU16 6NQ 28 0 51.306492 -0.735302
GU16 6NR 2 1 51.30034 -0.721984
GU16 6NS 2 0 51.299428 -0.723286
GU16 6NT 3 0 51.299823 -0.721543
GU16 6NU 1 0 51.30176 -0.716898
GU16 6NW 3 0 51.301846 -0.725603
GU16 6NX 2 0 51.299345 -0.721452
GU16 6NY 1 0 51.299935 -0.71857
GU16 6NZ 1 0 51.29846 -0.721035
GU16 6PA 6 0 51.298847 -0.719389
GU16 6PD 2 0 51.297799 -0.715786
GU16 6PE 2 0 51.297508 -0.712194
GU16 6PF 2 0 51.297186 -0.711515
GU16 6PG 1 0 51.295731 -0.714026
GU16 6PH 3 0 51.295382 -0.706835
GU16 6PJ 11 0 51.301332 -0.724628
GU16 6PL 29 0 51.301591 -0.723674