all postcodes in GU16 / CAMBERLEY

find any address or company within the GU16 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU16 6SD 23 1 51.30947 -0.703438
GU16 6SH 18 0 51.309777 -0.70439
GU16 6SJ 16 1 51.309128 -0.702518
GU16 6SL 9 0 51.311229 -0.700637
GU16 6SR 2 1 51.311058 -0.697482
GU16 6SS 30 0 51.316848 -0.693203
GU16 6ST 26 0 51.318328 -0.692099
GU16 6SU 1 1 51.316971 -0.696213
GU16 6SY 2 2 51.310255 -0.696331
GU16 6SZ 8 0 51.310664 -0.695114
GU16 6TB 34 0 51.312551 -0.690082
GU16 6TD 7 0 51.311188 -0.695343
GU16 6TE 5 0 51.310923 -0.69571
GU16 6TG 6 0 51.310908 -0.695222
GU16 6TL 20 0 51.312126 -0.695546
GU16 6TS 58 0 51.312433 -0.694017
GU16 6TT 12 0 51.318675 -0.694198
GU16 6TU 49 0 51.31178 -0.691969
GU16 6YZ 10 0 51.303319 -0.725476
GU16 6ZU 1 1 51.330863 -0.766641