all postcodes in GU33 / LISS

find any address or company within the GU33 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU33 6BA 4 0 51.07954 -0.884471
GU33 6BB 2 0 51.079711 -0.88495
GU33 6BD 7 0 51.079446 -0.884973
GU33 6BE 3 0 51.080115 -0.893837
GU33 6BG 1 0 51.082863 -0.88492
GU33 6BH 6 0 51.084693 -0.879276
GU33 6BJ 3 0 51.086012 -0.880829
GU33 6BL 3 0 51.0927 -0.886739
GU33 6BN 4 1 51.093852 -0.886883
GU33 6BP 9 4 51.096478 -0.888274
GU33 6BS 1 1 51.097087 -0.887591
GU33 6BT 2 0 51.098934 -0.8931
GU33 6BU 5 1 51.100245 -0.89671
GU33 6BW 15 0 51.094948 -0.887699
GU33 6BX 3 0 51.100119 -0.89857
GU33 6BY 3 0 51.093565 -0.888287
GU33 6BZ 4 0 51.092135 -0.88978
GU33 6DA 18 0 51.090079 -0.88813
GU33 6DB 3 0 51.089173 -0.895034
GU33 6DD 11 0 51.084505 -0.911691