all postcodes in GU4 / GUILDFORD

find any address or company within the GU4 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU4 8EU 22 0 51.215012 -0.558621
GU4 8EX 28 0 51.215134 -0.561925
GU4 8EY 36 1 51.215354 -0.565197
GU4 8EZ 12 0 51.214816 -0.566072
GU4 8HA 39 3 51.213857 -0.563439
GU4 8HB 26 1 51.213489 -0.565656
GU4 8HD 38 0 51.213541 -0.563292
GU4 8HH 17 0 51.213954 -0.561045
GU4 8HJ 1 0 51.214087 -0.560153
GU4 8HL 11 0 51.214344 -0.561291
GU4 8HN 15 0 51.211894 -0.560293
GU4 8HP 4 0 51.213143 -0.55583
GU4 8HQ 4 0 51.211599 -0.559221
GU4 8HR 3 0 51.211927 -0.553449
GU4 8HS 2 1 51.209762 -0.547367
GU4 8HW 6 0 51.210941 -0.556601
GU4 8HX 21 0 51.213767 -0.56632
GU4 8HY 13 0 51.214068 -0.565194
GU4 8HZ 9 0 51.214168 -0.564546
GU4 8JA 19 0 51.212299 -0.562471