all postcodes in GU4 / GUILDFORD

find any address or company within the GU4 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU4 8NQ 22 1 51.21684 -0.534194
GU4 8NR 26 0 51.215115 -0.530769
GU4 8NS 17 0 51.215579 -0.520723
GU4 8NT 8 0 51.215217 -0.527373
GU4 8NU 5 0 51.216176 -0.534286
GU4 8NW 24 1 51.215602 -0.530167
GU4 8PA 28 0 51.214464 -0.544148
GU4 8PB 40 1 51.213953 -0.544236
GU4 8PH 34 0 51.236541 -0.541246
GU4 8PJ 14 0 51.234471 -0.542543
GU4 8PL 6 0 51.234062 -0.540794
GU4 8PP 18 0 51.231415 -0.544172
GU4 8PR 10 0 51.231966 -0.537093
GU4 8PS 11 0 51.2313 -0.529896
GU4 8PU 1 0 51.23149 -0.532153
GU4 8PW 21 0 51.235294 -0.540755
GU4 8PY 5 0 51.221726 -0.538721
GU4 8PZ 11 0 51.227643 -0.538004
GU4 8QZ 2 0 51.199728 -0.513115
GU4 8QN 3 0 51.214813 -0.525281