all postcodes in GU4 / GUILDFORD

find any address or company within the GU4 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU4 8JD 4 3 51.21417 -0.567231
GU4 8JE 7 0 51.211498 -0.563871
GU4 8BQ 1 1 51.212142 -0.562877
GU4 8JF 11 0 51.211704 -0.56677
GU4 8JG 19 0 51.2066 -0.566299
GU4 8JH 34 0 51.207839 -0.56324
GU4 8JJ 12 0 51.206225 -0.563619
GU4 8JL 10 0 51.207865 -0.565386
GU4 8JN 9 0 51.206812 -0.56456
GU4 8JP 9 0 51.205751 -0.562346
GU4 8JQ 15 0 51.206564 -0.564167
GU4 8JR 12 0 51.207965 -0.561761
GU4 8JS 22 0 51.210125 -0.563384
GU4 8JT 24 0 51.210815 -0.56687
GU4 8JU 26 6 51.213134 -0.565616
GU4 8LE 10 1 51.213763 -0.567451
GU4 8JW 7 0 51.205832 -0.564605
GU4 8JX 28 1 51.213068 -0.563127
GU4 8JY 20 0 51.208283 -0.567206
GU4 8LD 1 1 51.213066 -0.564137