all postcodes in GU4 / GUILDFORD

find any address or company within the GU4 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU4 8LL 21 0 51.213401 -0.543996
GU4 8LN 7 0 51.212707 -0.546724
GU4 8LP 43 1 51.213297 -0.540677
GU4 8LR 25 0 51.213067 -0.543147
GU4 8LS 4 0 51.212986 -0.545312
GU4 8LT 20 0 51.214226 -0.542366
GU4 8LU 35 2 51.213836 -0.540896
GU4 8LW 21 0 51.213338 -0.543282
GU4 8LX 34 0 51.213902 -0.536578
GU4 8LY 12 0 51.213119 -0.537948
GU4 8LZ 29 1 51.213457 -0.536191
GU4 8NB 1 1 51.21184 -0.543573
GU4 8ND 8 0 51.213064 -0.53712
GU4 8NE 22 0 51.215006 -0.534968
GU4 8NF 12 0 51.215725 -0.53274
GU4 8NH 20 0 51.216843 -0.532261
GU4 8NJ 18 0 51.217035 -0.531066
GU4 8NN 7 0 51.21886 -0.533213
GU4 8NL 3 0 51.218065 -0.535086
GU4 8NP 4 2 51.215487 -0.525989