all postcodes in HG4 / RIPON

find any address or company within the HG4 postcode district

Postcode Area

HG / Harrogate

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HG4 1BZ 7 5 54.135877 -1.523692
HG4 1DB 1 1 54.135863 -1.523685
HG4 1DD 1 1 54.135773 -1.523824
HG4 1DE 6 0 54.128747 -1.510897
HG4 1DG 1 1 54.135918 -1.524021
HG4 1DH 1 1 54.135927 -1.524113
HG4 1DJ 5 0 54.135877 -1.525093
HG4 1DL 22 0 54.133524 -1.523207
HG4 1DP 37 9 54.138011 -1.523859
HG4 1DQ 14 0 54.139419 -1.520797
HG4 1DT 7 0 54.138175 -1.524209
HG4 1DY 10 8 54.137104 -1.523931
HG4 1EA 8 7 54.137179 -1.5236
HG4 1EB 1 1 54.137183 -1.523471
HG4 1ED 12 6 54.137021 -1.523335
HG4 1EG 9 7 54.137091 -1.522936
HG4 1EH 8 0 54.14219 -1.526092
HG4 1EJ 45 0 54.145986 -1.526875
HG4 1EL 32 0 54.144305 -1.526787
HG4 1EN 30 5 54.139497 -1.524424