all postcodes in HG5 / KNARESBOROUGH

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Postcode Area

HG / Harrogate

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HG5 8NQ 16 16 54.00358 -1.447478
HG5 8NR 46 1 54.000145 -1.41531
HG5 8NS 15 0 54.001938 -1.41949
HG5 8NT 17 4 54.001631 -1.419112
HG5 8NU 4 0 54.002887 -1.418607
HG5 8NW 8 1 53.99992 -1.420296
HG5 8NX 17 1 54.004535 -1.357388
HG5 8NZ 18 0 53.999993 -1.453109
HG5 8PA 2 0 54.004209 -1.357262
HG5 8PB 1 0 54.004124 -1.356265
HG5 8PD 2 0 54.001459 -1.371004
HG5 8PF 8 0 54.006221 -1.466927
HG5 8PH 4 0 54.003554 -1.463574
HG5 8PJ 19 19 54.003093 -1.443213
HG5 8PN 5 0 54.003651 -1.469187
HG5 8PP 2 1 54.005834 -1.463536
HG5 8PQ 11 0 54.008707 -1.468314
HG5 8PR 12 0 53.99859 -1.424097
HG5 8PS 1 0 54.000529 -1.419738
HG5 8PT 9 0 54.000109 -1.422108