all postcodes in HG5 / KNARESBOROUGH

find any address or company within the HG5 postcode district

Postcode Area

HG / Harrogate

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HG5 8PY 8 8 54.002645 -1.440128
HG5 8PZ 8 8 54.000184 -1.443801
HG5 8XL 1 1 54.012541 -1.467997
HG5 8YX 1 1 54.012526 -1.467991
HG5 8BF 6 0 54.009304 -1.46907
HG5 8PL 1 0 53.990488 -1.419389
HG5 8LR 1 1 53.99816 -1.449829
HG5 8QD 21 0 53.994506 -1.468236
HG5 8PX 0 54.005362 -1.453832
HG5 8BS 8 7 54.003565 -1.449996
HG5 8QB 10 8 54.001288 -1.444051
HG5 8FE 0 54.007687 -1.475407
HG5 8PW 8 7 54.003998 -1.441254
HG5 8FA 9 9 54.003996 -1.438797