all postcodes in HG / Harrogate

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Postcode Area

HG / Harrogate

Postcode District

HG / Harrogate

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HG1 4LA 1 1 54.001732 -1.532951
HG1 4LB 1 1 54.001732 -1.532951
HG1 4LD 1 0 54.001832 -1.533316
HG1 4LE 1 1 54.001375 -1.533718
HG1 4LF 29 4 54.002493 -1.534514
HG1 4LS 49 1 54.002742 -1.531598
HG1 4LJ 39 2 54.004369 -1.5364
HG1 4LL 17 7 54.004493 -1.535774
HG1 4LN 65 1 54.00438 -1.530715
HG1 4LP 8 0 54.003647 -1.530931
HG1 4LQ 1 1 54.002773 -1.534862
HG1 4LR 21 1 54.002646 -1.532422
HG1 4LT 4 0 54.002852 -1.532054
HG1 4LU 52 0 54.003565 -1.530719
HG1 4LW 62 0 54.003704 -1.531587
HG1 4LX 40 0 54.003496 -1.529194
HG1 4LY 42 1 54.002343 -1.530641
HG1 4LZ 10 0 54.001783 -1.530037
HG1 4NA 20 0 54.002607 -1.52928
HG1 4NB 10 0 54.002767 -1.528805