all postcodes in HG / Harrogate

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Postcode Area

HG / Harrogate

Postcode District

HG / Harrogate

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HG1 4ND 12 0 54.003329 -1.527823
HG1 4NE 30 0 54.005567 -1.527736
HG1 4NF 28 0 54.005473 -1.528943
HG1 4NG 10 0 54.004873 -1.529621
HG1 4NH 50 0 54.004167 -1.532894
HG1 4NJ 46 0 53.997221 -1.508397
HG1 4NL 31 0 53.998238 -1.508873
HG1 4NN 47 0 53.997577 -1.509689
HG1 4NP 60 1 54.004937 -1.53435
HG1 4NQ 40 0 54.004653 -1.530783
HG1 4NR 55 0 54.005309 -1.533094
HG1 4NS 56 0 54.005458 -1.532101
HG1 4NT 40 0 54.005787 -1.531273
HG1 4NU 26 0 54.005704 -1.530679
HG1 4NW 16 0 53.997213 -1.506459
HG1 4NX 12 0 54.006016 -1.53002
HG1 4PA 3 3 53.99698 -1.522927
HG1 4PE 42 0 54.006614 -1.52896
HG1 4PF 70 0 54.007047 -1.529337
HG1 4PL 58 0 54.007997 -1.528655