all postcodes in HU2 / HULL

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Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU2 0DY 25 0 53.752386 -0.341367
HU2 0DZ 38 0 53.752712 -0.340232
HU2 0HB 1 1 53.75103 -0.333671
HU2 0HD 6 6 53.751577 -0.333603
HU2 0HG 5 5 53.751731 -0.33434
HU2 0HH 1 1 53.751543 -0.336335
HU2 0HJ 6 4 53.75271 -0.336835
HU2 0HL 1 1 53.751886 -0.335775
HU2 0HN 1 1 53.753093 -0.336577
HU2 0HR 2 1 53.750931 -0.33538
HU2 0HX 1 1 53.754739 -0.334692
HU2 0HY 4 4 53.754586 -0.337291
HU2 0JB 3 2 53.755942 -0.337814
HU2 0JP 3 0 53.755067 -0.337591
HU2 0JX 1 1 53.756384 -0.335355
HU2 0LA 1 1 53.756214 -0.336059
HU2 0LB 16 0 53.757244 -0.338385
HU2 0LF 8 7 53.755866 -0.335428
HU2 0LH 2 2 53.756629 -0.33922
HU2 0LJ 1 1 53.756687 -0.337087