all postcodes in HU5 / HULL

find any address or company within the HU5 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU5 2BU 12 0 53.763161 -0.367978
HU5 2BW 12 0 53.762018 -0.366566
HU5 2BX 38 0 53.762029 -0.370692
HU5 2BY 25 0 53.762311 -0.370241
HU5 2DA 29 0 53.76829 -0.36306
HU5 2DF 3 0 53.76666 -0.367463
HU5 2DG 17 1 53.768428 -0.36002
HU5 2DH 30 8 53.768558 -0.362336
HU5 2DN 26 0 53.767501 -0.365852
HU5 2DQ 11 0 53.76807 -0.359488
HU5 2DR 18 0 53.766066 -0.368108
HU5 2DS 16 0 53.766462 -0.369428
HU5 2DT 24 0 53.76556 -0.371844
HU5 2DU 16 0 53.766227 -0.371318
HU5 2DW 36 1 53.767965 -0.368914
HU5 2DX 19 0 53.768108 -0.372201
HU5 2DY 4 0 53.768928 -0.371653
HU5 2EG 18 4 53.768793 -0.368366
HU5 2EJ 6 5 53.767827 -0.358654
HU5 2EL 14 0 53.767296 -0.358805