all postcodes in HU5 / HULL

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Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU5 1RH 4 3 53.75847 -0.336462
HU5 1RL 1 1 53.760305 -0.337846
HU5 1RN 27 0 53.758608 -0.339499
HU5 1RR 5 4 53.761454 -0.33909
HU5 1RS 1 1 53.75788 -0.336312
HU5 1RU 1 1 53.761973 -0.3397
HU5 1RZ 1 1 53.761738 -0.342258
HU5 1SB 1 1 53.766119 -0.336001
HU5 1SN 1 1 53.767389 -0.341398
HU5 1SP 1 1 53.76709 -0.345097
HU5 1SR 2 2 53.767968 -0.348604
HU5 1SW 5 5 53.766985 -0.339472
HU5 1SY 3 3 53.762134 -0.334967
HU5 1WY 1 1 53.744072 -0.326561
HU5 1YP 1 1 53.744072 -0.326561
HU5 1YU 1 1 53.744072 -0.326561
HU5 1YY 1 1 53.744072 -0.326561
HU5 1AG 19 0 53.765078 -0.347179
HU5 1NW 19 0 53.765647 -0.347338
HU5 1DA 50 0 53.763287 -0.345034