all postcodes in HU5 / HULL

find any address or company within the HU5 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU5 2AS 14 0 53.762337 -0.362275
HU5 2AT 14 0 53.762357 -0.363048
HU5 2AU 14 0 53.762367 -0.363836
HU5 2AW 35 0 53.762623 -0.36416
HU5 2AX 14 0 53.762391 -0.364943
HU5 2AY 10 0 53.762384 -0.365702
HU5 2AZ 31 0 53.762756 -0.360711
HU5 2BA 41 0 53.762912 -0.36421
HU5 2BB 6 0 53.762899 -0.360008
HU5 2BD 7 0 53.762943 -0.360583
HU5 2BE 8 0 53.762933 -0.361175
HU5 2BG 8 0 53.763004 -0.361733
HU5 2BH 8 0 53.763086 -0.36295
HU5 2BJ 8 0 53.763073 -0.36349
HU5 2BL 8 0 53.763041 -0.363825
HU5 2BN 21 1 53.762333 -0.367281
HU5 2BP 18 0 53.762536 -0.367638
HU5 2BQ 8 0 53.763048 -0.362323
HU5 2BS 34 0 53.763467 -0.368026
HU5 2BT 59 0 53.763727 -0.367956