all postcodes in HU5 / HULL

find any address or company within the HU5 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU5 1DB 54 0 53.762995 -0.342815
HU5 1DD 6 0 53.762266 -0.34204
HU5 1NR 9 1 53.767546 -0.354091
HU5 1DE 0 53.763539 -0.342445
HU5 1SG 15 13 53.765228 -0.330536
HU5 1DP 4 3 53.761023 -0.343834
HU5 1AL 1 53.766569 -0.34316
HU5 1AP 1 1 53.765935 -0.332473
HU5 1AQ 9 0 53.75768 -0.348455
HU5 2AA 9 5 53.763551 -0.359057
HU5 2AB 52 0 53.763476 -0.361236
HU5 2AD 35 0 53.76373 -0.36467
HU5 2AE 42 0 53.763464 -0.364286
HU5 2AF 35 0 53.763207 -0.360594
HU5 2AJ 12 0 53.763099 -0.360789
HU5 2AL 15 9 53.762886 -0.359022
HU5 2AN 35 0 53.762478 -0.360783
HU5 2AP 5 0 53.762359 -0.361288
HU5 2AQ 6 0 53.763178 -0.361362
HU5 2AR 7 0 53.762367 -0.361864