all postcodes in HX1 / SOWERBY BRIDGE

find any address or company within the HX1 postcode district

Postcode Area

HX / Halifax

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HX1 1NX 5 3 53.722791 -1.859479
HX1 1PB 14 8 53.722511 -1.858949
HX1 1PD 5 3 53.72216 -1.858208
HX1 1PE 1 1 53.72426 -1.863156
HX1 1PF 1 0 53.721881 -1.85789
HX1 1PG 1 1 53.72243 -1.858283
HX1 1PR 19 11 53.721459 -1.858195
HX1 1PS 1 1 53.721881 -1.85789
HX1 1PU 10 4 53.720857 -1.858758
HX1 1PW 2 2 53.721618 -1.858196
HX1 1QD 1 1 53.724334 -1.857458
HX1 1QE 13 11 53.721223 -1.856362
HX1 1QG 10 10 53.722381 -1.855085
HX1 1QL 1 1 53.723019 -1.854598
HX1 1QP 15 0 53.720404 -1.855531
HX1 1QR 20 4 53.722704 -1.854614
HX1 1QS 2 1 53.722755 -1.854328
HX1 1QU 1 1 53.720815 -1.853605
HX1 1QW 2 1 53.723502 -1.855538
HX1 1QY 17 0 53.719898 -1.855899