all postcodes in HX1 / SOWERBY BRIDGE

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Postcode Area

HX / Halifax

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HX1 1QZ 8 0 53.72023 -1.855473
HX1 1RB 2 0 53.719584 -1.856097
HX1 1RD 1 1 53.723293 -1.851415
HX1 1RE 41 0 53.721967 -1.857498
HX1 1RJ 12 7 53.722812 -1.857253
HX1 1RL 5 3 53.723093 -1.859601
HX1 1RN 19 3 53.723276 -1.859492
HX1 1RU 26 25 53.723442 -1.858008
HX1 1RW 1 1 53.723276 -1.859492
HX1 1SA 9 1 53.723847 -1.855808
HX1 1SB 1 1 53.725743 -1.855831
HX1 1SE 1 1 53.724188 -1.855519
HX1 1SG 1 1 53.724753 -1.854365
HX1 1SJ 3 3 53.724492 -1.856368
HX1 1SN 5 5 53.725161 -1.857031
HX1 1SP 4 2 53.725298 -1.853941
HX1 1SR 3 3 53.724017 -1.854989
HX1 1TA 12 7 53.722745 -1.861496
HX1 1TB 1 0 53.722478 -1.861359
HX1 1TD 12 0 53.721938 -1.860724