all postcodes in HX1 / SOWERBY BRIDGE

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Postcode Area

HX / Halifax

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HX1 1XX 1 1 53.723707 -1.862084
HX1 1XZ 1 1 53.723962 -1.861869
HX1 1YA 3 2 53.724606 -1.862218
HX1 1YH 4 4 53.726216 -1.860468
HX1 1YN 40 0 53.725122 -1.862396
HX1 1YP 67 0 53.72507 -1.863639
HX1 1YQ 3 2 53.726015 -1.860425
HX1 1YS 19 3 53.724603 -1.864019
HX1 1YW 45 0 53.725122 -1.862396
HX1 1ZT 1 1 53.724334 -1.857458
HX1 1WB 1 1 53.724334 -1.857458
HX1 1WU 1 1 53.724334 -1.857458
HX1 1ZS 1 1 53.724356 -1.860701
HX1 1UP 22 0 53.724418 -1.86017
HX1 1UU 16 0 53.724562 -1.86017
HX1 1TW 0 53.723403 -1.860765
HX1 1QH 13 0 53.723127 -1.855128
HX1 1DH 1 0 53.721838 -1.859073
HX1 1AE 2 0 53.723467 -1.861447
HX1 1TP 1 1 53.724334 -1.857458