all postcodes in HX1 / SOWERBY BRIDGE

find any address or company within the HX1 postcode district

Postcode Area

HX / Halifax

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HX1 2JT 7 3 53.717638 -1.857511
HX1 2JU 5 0 53.717729 -1.858026
HX1 2JX 20 0 53.718007 -1.858116
HX1 2JY 5 0 53.718448 -1.858417
HX1 2LA 1 1 53.718357 -1.857296
HX1 2LB 19 1 53.718034 -1.857813
HX1 2LE 86 0 53.71893 -1.857796
HX1 2LF 8 0 53.719069 -1.858536
HX1 2LG 5 4 53.71933 -1.859263
HX1 2LH 22 3 53.720116 -1.857883
HX1 2LJ 3 0 53.719993 -1.857715
HX1 2LL 10 0 53.719786 -1.857488
HX1 2LP 1 0 53.720046 -1.857048
HX1 2LT 1 0 53.71984 -1.857549
HX1 2LW 3 0 53.719595 -1.857658
HX1 2LX 1 1 53.718688 -1.85631
HX1 2LY 6 3 53.71788 -1.85701
HX1 2NA 42 0 53.714977 -1.856899
HX1 2NB 43 0 53.714977 -1.856899
HX1 2ND 2 2 53.716879 -1.856455