all postcodes in HX1 / SOWERBY BRIDGE

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Postcode Area

HX / Halifax

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HX1 2QQ 12 0 53.71935 -1.861096
HX1 2QU 7 0 53.718102 -1.862282
HX1 2QW 19 5 53.719081 -1.861158
HX1 2QX 22 0 53.71758 -1.861905
HX1 2QY 2 0 53.717756 -1.860785
HX1 2QZ 2 1 53.71791 -1.85954
HX1 2RA 3 0 53.71757 -1.860739
HX1 2RB 6 0 53.716942 -1.861347
HX1 2RE 11 0 53.714064 -1.859932
HX1 2RF 1 1 53.714351 -1.859158
HX1 2RG 1 1 53.719926 -1.861291
HX1 2RU 1 1 53.724334 -1.857458
HX1 2RZ 6 3 53.721349 -1.864469
HX1 2SA 11 0 53.720835 -1.865473
HX1 2SB 9 5 53.721134 -1.864818
HX1 2SE 1 1 53.720541 -1.865139
HX1 2SF 1 1 53.724334 -1.857458
HX1 2SH 20 7 53.72107 -1.86629
HX1 2SR 1 0 53.719922 -1.866292
HX1 2ST 4 1 53.719985 -1.865686