all postcodes in HX1 / SOWERBY BRIDGE

find any address or company within the HX1 postcode district

Postcode Area

HX / Halifax

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HX1 2NE 1 1 53.72008 -1.855032
HX1 2NG 2 1 53.720654 -1.854076
HX1 2NZ 32 0 53.713231 -1.862738
HX1 2PF 1 1 53.724334 -1.857458
HX1 2PG 1 1 53.724334 -1.857458
HX1 2PH 1 1 53.724334 -1.857458
HX1 2PJ 1 0 53.714533 -1.861552
HX1 2PL 50 0 53.71414 -1.863629
HX1 2PN 14 0 53.713742 -1.861024
HX1 2PP 21 0 53.713903 -1.860751
HX1 2PR 4 0 53.712897 -1.860981
HX1 2PS 6 6 53.712414 -1.863074
HX1 2PW 24 0 53.713426 -1.860586
HX1 2PY 5 0 53.712447 -1.86071
HX1 2QA 29 0 53.718846 -1.860613
HX1 2PX 11 0 53.713062 -1.864011
HX1 2QF 2 2 53.720193 -1.862353
HX1 2QH 8 0 53.71935 -1.861036
HX1 2QN 3 1 53.719341 -1.860581
HX1 2QP 4 0 53.718974 -1.861961