all postcodes in IP12 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP12 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP12 1AA 30 22 52.092941 1.317299
IP12 1AB 1 1 52.093004 1.317596
IP12 1AD 1 1 52.092371 1.316454
IP12 1AE 58 0 52.096249 1.324365
IP12 1AF 1 1 52.092625 1.316999
IP12 1AG 6 6 52.092575 1.316878
IP12 1AH 53 20 52.093836 1.319673
IP12 1AJ 1 1 52.094016 1.319979
IP12 1AL 37 17 52.093596 1.319903
IP12 1AN 21 0 52.096463 1.325023
IP12 1AP 1 1 52.091095 1.321207
IP12 1AQ 19 11 52.092921 1.31832
IP12 1AR 2 1 52.095036 1.321719
IP12 1AS 20 0 52.095615 1.321324
IP12 1AT 5 0 52.095583 1.321847
IP12 1AU 1 1 52.096028 1.322625
IP12 1AW 5 1 52.094836 1.321149
IP12 1AX 26 0 52.097689 1.323683
IP12 1AY 16 0 52.098109 1.323481
IP12 1NJ 6 0 52.098597 1.323079