all postcodes in IP13 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP13 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP13 7HL 1 0 52.268158 1.239571
IP13 7HN 25 0 52.272263 1.240047
IP13 7HP 11 0 52.273054 1.241718
IP13 7HR 7 0 52.274099 1.246896
IP13 7HS 1 0 52.274245 1.243549
IP13 7HT 5 0 52.27091 1.244772
IP13 7HU 1 1 52.270203 1.247945
IP13 7HW 7 0 52.273169 1.238896
IP13 7HX 50 3 52.269397 1.253355
IP13 7JN 14 0 52.270502 1.251457
IP13 7HY 3 0 52.267874 1.258066
IP13 7HZ 12 2 52.264951 1.258995
IP13 7JA 8 0 52.267453 1.259296
IP13 7JB 4 1 52.259564 1.253484
IP13 7JD 16 0 52.256884 1.248905
IP13 7JE 7 0 52.254853 1.250164
IP13 7JF 7 0 52.253379 1.249147
IP13 7JG 4 0 52.269414 1.255672
IP13 7JH 16 0 52.251928 1.251518
IP13 7JQ 11 0 52.252714 1.250755