all postcodes in IP13 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP13 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP13 7JJ 11 1 52.251427 1.255658
IP13 7JL 15 0 52.271158 1.251798
IP13 7JP 7 0 52.193714 1.3121
IP13 7JR 2 0 52.191109 1.312301
IP13 7JS 5 0 52.18953 1.310866
IP13 7JT 4 1 52.192814 1.310847
IP13 7JU 4 0 52.195995 1.296828
IP13 7JW 6 0 52.268085 1.255267
IP13 7JX 6 0 52.193572 1.310728
IP13 7JY 5 0 52.193918 1.311544
IP13 7JZ 14 0 52.195018 1.315299
IP13 7LA 2 0 52.194342 1.3144
IP13 7LB 2 0 52.194397 1.314653
IP13 7LD 3 0 52.194537 1.31642
IP13 7LE 17 0 52.196483 1.315672
IP13 7LF 7 0 52.196972 1.312664
IP13 7LG 1 0 52.19689 1.316844
IP13 7LH 2 0 52.209451 1.3186
IP13 7LJ 1 0 52.20227 1.320011
IP13 7LL 6 1 52.197752 1.324578