all postcodes in IP14 / STOWMARKET

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP14 4BB 4 1 52.209466 1.036663
IP14 4BD 1 1 52.206726 1.034133
IP14 4BE 2 0 52.202215 1.04094
IP14 4BG 13 0 52.20147 1.035663
IP14 4BH 6 0 52.197532 1.025472
IP14 4BJ 11 2 52.196636 1.02427
IP14 4BL 8 0 52.197542 1.024769
IP14 4BN 3 0 52.195413 1.034123
IP14 4BP 67 0 52.20172 1.024204
IP14 4BQ 34 4 52.198538 1.028701
IP14 4BS 25 0 52.201512 1.025977
IP14 4BT 21 0 52.200811 1.026353
IP14 4BU 1 0 52.193222 1.013266
IP14 4BX 9 0 52.192353 1.014203
IP14 4BY 14 0 52.196494 1.015084
IP14 4BZ 16 1 52.195656 1.016212
IP14 4DA 28 0 52.195899 1.016579
IP14 4DB 42 0 52.196727 1.016211
IP14 4DD 25 0 52.196312 1.017983
IP14 4DE 1 0 52.195306 1.01831