all postcodes in IP14 / STOWMARKET

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP14 4HS 3 0 52.263022 1.019539
IP14 4HT 27 0 52.282175 1.028085
IP14 4HU 5 0 52.283535 1.027679
IP14 4HW 4 0 52.253673 1.020075
IP14 4HX 2 0 52.288815 1.040593
IP14 4HY 13 0 52.284039 1.030793
IP14 4HZ 26 0 52.285529 1.03091
IP14 4JA 13 0 52.285385 1.029169
IP14 4JB 7 0 52.284557 1.02816
IP14 4JD 2 0 52.28469 1.027861
IP14 4JE 5 0 52.285527 1.027507
IP14 4JF 3 0 52.288022 1.025595
IP14 4JG 8 0 52.294171 1.019018
IP14 4JH 3 0 52.296884 1.012822
IP14 4JJ 4 0 52.297481 1.008799
IP14 4JL 1 0 52.298785 1.009489
IP14 4JN 11 0 52.298855 0.996864
IP14 4TX 4 0 52.286421 1.028037
IP14 4JP 39 0 52.225382 0.999175
IP14 4JQ 5 0 52.29512 1.013905