all postcodes in IP14 / STOWMARKET

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP14 4EP 1 0 52.261891 1.027552
IP14 4EQ 7 0 52.22243 1.001744
IP14 4ER 18 0 52.225369 1.002527
IP14 4EU 6 0 52.231508 1.00549
IP14 4EX 2 0 52.238433 1.006911
IP14 4EY 1 0 52.239669 1.000739
IP14 4EZ 16 0 52.235613 0.999323
IP14 4HA 1 0 52.186346 0.997613
IP14 4HB 2 0 52.233952 0.997073
IP14 4HD 4 0 52.225313 0.99693
IP14 4HE 12 0 52.232873 0.996047
IP14 4HF 21 0 52.225488 0.997484
IP14 4HG 6 0 52.225554 0.998102
IP14 4HH 6 0 52.248054 1.006976
IP14 4HJ 15 2 52.250365 1.009828
IP14 4HL 2 0 52.252328 1.00832
IP14 4HN 6 1 52.25649 1.017556
IP14 4HP 13 2 52.261084 1.018322
IP14 4HQ 6 0 52.223734 0.998918
IP14 4HR 5 0 52.263081 1.018297