all postcodes in IP14 / STOWMARKET

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP14 4DF 4 0 52.195286 1.019436
IP14 4DG 39 0 52.195998 1.019733
IP14 4DH 8 0 52.197138 1.0212
IP14 4DJ 16 0 52.197266 1.020082
IP14 4DL 27 0 52.198455 1.020353
IP14 4DN 22 0 52.197951 1.018621
IP14 4DP 35 0 52.197588 1.018714
IP14 4DQ 12 0 52.19699 1.019273
IP14 4DR 52 0 52.196053 1.021083
IP14 4DS 2 0 52.194821 1.020356
IP14 4DW 21 0 52.198741 1.01828
IP14 4DX 8 0 52.197653 1.016523
IP14 4EA 4 0 52.215156 0.99604
IP14 4EB 14 0 52.219948 0.998193
IP14 4ED 58 3 52.22224 1.003547
IP14 4EE 25 8 52.222097 0.998938
IP14 4EF 1 1 52.223114 1.00031
IP14 4EG 38 0 52.224802 1.001141
IP14 4EH 16 0 52.224372 0.997188
IP14 4EJ 50 0 52.222106 0.999994