all postcodes in IP22 / EYE

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District

IP22 / EYE

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP22 2BB 40 0 52.395699 1.072371
IP22 2BD 5 0 52.399407 1.070526
IP22 2BE 6 0 52.401546 1.07775
IP22 2BG 2 0 52.406911 1.069694
IP22 2LF 1 0 52.406036 1.061064
IP22 2BQ 6 0 52.4032 1.051442
IP22 2BH 2 0 52.400331 1.045272
IP22 2BJ 4 0 52.398676 1.030473
IP22 2BL 33 1 52.407744 1.037727
IP22 2FB 4 0 52.415845 1.039917
IP22 2BN 6 0 52.412362 1.049795
IP22 2BP 5 0 52.418004 1.037094
IP22 2FF 11 3 52.417106 1.048211
IP22 2BW 8 1 52.415861 1.058226
IP22 2BX 4 0 52.337138 0.912083
IP22 2BZ 1 0 52.397628 1.07486
IP22 2DB 1 1 52.387644 1.035288
IP22 2DD 3 0 52.407402 1.097319
IP22 2DE 16 5 52.40667 1.089194
IP22 2DF 1 1 52.409397 1.098738