all postcodes in IP22 / EYE

find any address or company within the IP22 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District

IP22 / EYE

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP22 2PX 29 0 52.333879 0.914027
IP22 2PY 8 0 52.328479 0.916094
IP22 2PZ 4 0 52.32372 0.925188
IP22 2QA 8 0 52.329379 0.929804
IP22 2QB 5 0 52.331795 0.931725
IP22 2QD 4 0 52.331418 0.923744
IP22 2QE 5 0 52.336403 0.917804
IP22 2QF 33 0 52.334901 0.914887
IP22 2QG 5 0 52.395091 0.947549
IP22 2QH 16 0 52.373809 0.931085
IP22 2QJ 18 0 52.390804 0.943824
IP22 2QL 25 0 52.373057 0.930242
IP22 2QN 42 1 52.393566 0.945228
IP22 2QP 8 0 52.387283 0.946558
IP22 2QQ 4 0 52.372936 0.929323
IP22 2QR 26 0 52.374182 0.929846
IP22 2QS 3 0 52.381339 0.938212
IP22 2QT 2 0 52.379195 0.931939
IP22 2QU 27 0 52.378934 0.931865
IP22 2QW 16 0 52.389301 0.945311