all postcodes in IP22 / EYE

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District

IP22 / EYE

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP22 2HN 6 0 52.383993 0.996868
IP22 2HP 4 0 52.395801 0.979836
IP22 2HQ 10 5 52.395573 0.984246
IP22 2HR 2 0 52.400914 0.971871
IP22 2HS 14 0 52.401769 0.981738
IP22 2HT 28 0 52.390656 0.993042
IP22 2HU 3 0 52.393162 0.997416
IP22 2HW 12 0 52.394336 0.977721
IP22 2HX 1 1 52.381493 1.013835
IP22 2HZ 8 0 52.385522 0.970178
IP22 2JA 8 0 52.377675 0.979673
IP22 2JB 39 1 52.380094 0.962142
IP22 2FE 1 0 52.380818 0.961588
IP22 2JD 5 0 52.377641 0.949926
IP22 2JE 4 0 52.376524 0.955024
IP22 2JF 16 0 52.376597 0.958513
IP22 2JG 5 0 52.375373 0.956374
IP22 2JH 20 0 52.373078 0.962288
IP22 2JJ 10 0 52.371694 0.979768
IP22 2JL 1 0 52.382576 0.94235