all postcodes in IP22 / EYE

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District

IP22 / EYE

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP22 2DG 20 0 52.411054 1.096928
IP22 2DH 7 0 52.4102 1.100353
IP22 2DQ 17 0 52.411097 1.098725
IP22 2DJ 25 0 52.409933 1.103111
IP22 2DL 8 1 52.41289 1.096556
IP22 2DN 2 0 52.412924 1.096041
IP22 2DP 28 0 52.413992 1.095678
IP22 2DR 8 0 52.416437 1.086436
IP22 2DS 2 1 52.410179 1.099778
IP22 2DU 7 0 52.410847 1.097649
IP22 2DW 12 0 52.412503 1.095529
IP22 2DX 7 0 52.419378 1.100512
IP22 2DY 1 0 52.421202 1.108466
IP22 2DZ 23 1 52.425947 1.101853
IP22 2ED 27 2 52.429256 1.099014
IP22 2EA 10 0 52.429353 1.101492
IP22 2EB 14 0 52.433204 1.096275
IP22 2EE 22 0 52.433421 1.089713
IP22 2EF 6 1 52.430616 1.081538
IP22 2EG 4 0 52.426002 1.085927