all postcodes in IP32 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP32 7HS 0 52.250439 0.745383
IP32 7HT 12 52.255091 0.732877
IP32 7HU 0 52.24662 0.74062
IP32 7HX 15 52.255389 0.730463
IP32 7JA 0 52.249708 0.737748
IP32 7JB 0 52.249582 0.735044
IP32 7JD 0 52.250813 0.732731
IP32 7JF 0 52.25095 0.737326
IP32 7JG 0 52.251361 0.738963
IP32 7JH 0 52.250207 0.739112
IP32 7JJ 0 52.248908 0.740028
IP32 7JL 0 52.249051 0.738528
IP32 7JN 0 52.250876 0.739343
IP32 7JP 0 52.251142 0.736004
IP32 7JQ 0 52.250137 0.736309
IP32 7JR 0 52.249314 0.744258
IP32 7JS 1 52.25413 0.715293
IP32 7JT 0 52.245298 0.744875
IP32 7JU 0 52.243931 0.746402
IP32 7JW 0 52.245356 0.746636