all postcodes in KW14 / THURSO

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Postcode Area

KW / Kirkwall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KW14 7YX 4 0 58.563843 -3.932182
KW14 7UY 33 0 58.601705 -3.548135
KW14 7UZ 6 58.605362 -3.683168
KW14 7GZ 17 0 58.591723 -3.527693
KW14 7AX 5 0 58.571214 -3.548491
KW14 7GY 22 0 58.587163 -3.539837
KW14 7BY 15 0 58.590972 -3.530043
KW14 7AT 3 2 58.585688 -3.539996
KW14 7RS 4 0 58.59219 -3.53752
KW14 7AU 0 58.591094 -3.530745
KW14 8AA 12 8 58.595135 -3.519832
KW14 8AB 1 1 58.59494 -3.519669
KW14 8AD 9 1 58.595503 -3.5199
KW14 8AE 15 2 58.594946 -3.518396
KW14 8AG 16 8 58.595344 -3.518878
KW14 8AH 4 0 58.595343 -3.517467
KW14 8AJ 6 3 58.59565 -3.518805
KW14 8AL 6 0 58.59559 -3.519353
KW14 8AN 6 0 58.595678 -3.520234
KW14 8AP 18 3 58.596093 -3.518618