all postcodes in KW14 / THURSO

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Postcode Area

KW / Kirkwall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KW14 8BU 6 4 58.595021 -3.516205
KW14 8AQ 15 2 58.595089 -3.517662
KW14 8AR 7 0 58.595638 -3.517548
KW14 8AS 12 3 58.595937 -3.516598
KW14 8AT 6 0 58.595456 -3.517024
KW14 8AU 6 0 58.595612 -3.515964
KW14 8AW 2 0 58.596026 -3.519329
KW14 8AX 7 0 58.596011 -3.515689
KW14 8AY 7 0 58.596214 -3.515921
KW14 8AZ 23 6 58.596355 -3.518087
KW14 8BB 8 1 58.596559 -3.518672
KW14 8BD 13 0 58.59643 -3.520508
KW14 8BE 4 0 58.596052 -3.519786
KW14 8BG 7 0 58.596164 -3.520961
KW14 8BH 11 1 58.596086 -3.522953
KW14 8BJ 4 0 58.596059 -3.521507
KW14 8BL 17 1 58.596613 -3.520172
KW14 8BN 41 0 58.59705 -3.515906
KW14 8BP 3 0 58.596679 -3.516131
KW14 8BQ 20 0 58.596468 -3.522609