all postcodes in KW14 / THURSO

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Postcode Area

KW / Kirkwall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KW14 8BS 9 0 58.596536 -3.516847
KW14 8BT 10 0 58.596708 -3.514463
KW14 8BW 6 0 58.597201 -3.51605
KW14 8BY 9 1 58.594786 -3.517443
KW14 8BZ 10 4 58.594148 -3.518258
KW14 8DA 5 0 58.59738 -3.514578
KW14 8DB 25 1 58.594357 -3.516529
KW14 8DE 3 3 58.597522 -3.513999
KW14 8EG 16 10 58.594068 -3.521584
KW14 8EH 1 1 58.593844 -3.521204
KW14 8EJ 12 10 58.594424 -3.520377
KW14 8EL 1 1 58.594428 -3.521126
KW14 8EN 4 2 58.59465 -3.51988
KW14 8EP 1 1 58.593384 -3.519791
KW14 8ER 3 3 58.594619 -3.518709
KW14 8HL 3 2 58.594251 -3.511759
KW14 8HN 23 9 58.595106 -3.512398
KW14 8HP 1 1 58.599871 -3.506684
KW14 8HR 8 1 58.592736 -3.511521
KW14 8HS 19 0 58.593335 -3.510996