all postcodes in KW9 / BRORA

find any address or company within the KW9 postcode district

Postcode Area

KW / Kirkwall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KW9 6NJ 44 0 58.003755 -3.888565
KW9 6NL 14 0 57.996044 -3.889343
KW9 6NN 23 0 58.007135 -3.898677
KW9 6NP 16 0 58.012074 -3.859279
KW9 6NR 2 1 58.011349 -3.852962
KW9 6NS 1 1 58.011209 -3.853293
KW9 6NT 4 1 58.01097 -3.853704
KW9 6NU 2 1 58.011189 -3.854278
KW9 6NW 13 0 58.009684 -3.853773
KW9 6NX 6 3 58.010946 -3.855311
KW9 6NY 27 5 58.010912 -3.857035
KW9 6NZ 7 1 58.009763 -3.860056
KW9 6PA 3 0 58.010375 -3.859343
KW9 6PB 3 0 58.010897 -3.854534
KW9 6PD 9 1 58.010533 -3.853444
KW9 6PF 37 1 58.009074 -3.854977
KW9 6PG 1 1 58.009308 -3.856783
KW9 6PH 28 0 58.008163 -3.855776
KW9 6PJ 16 0 58.007577 -3.856541
KW9 6PL 20 0 58.00777 -3.858142