all postcodes in KW9 / BRORA

find any address or company within the KW9 postcode district

Postcode Area

KW / Kirkwall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KW9 6PN 19 0 58.006835 -3.858804
KW9 6PP 14 0 58.009447 -3.853422
KW9 6PQ 12 0 58.01012 -3.855911
KW9 6PR 14 0 58.00936 -3.852554
KW9 6PS 4 0 58.01069 -3.851946
KW9 6PT 12 0 58.010555 -3.85072
KW9 6PU 11 1 58.009969 -3.850859
KW9 6PW 26 0 58.006973 -3.857339
KW9 6PX 11 0 58.008995 -3.848659
KW9 6PZ 4 0 58.008893 -3.847012
KW9 6QA 2 0 58.008869 -3.846339
KW9 6QB 6 0 58.009383 -3.847325
KW9 6QD 4 0 58.00942 -3.848428
KW9 6QE 1 0 58.010022 -3.847206
KW9 6QF 6 0 58.010405 -3.848648
KW9 6QH 1 1 58.008512 -3.859619
KW9 6QJ 7 3 58.012411 -3.85283
KW9 6QL 17 0 58.01557 -3.848118
KW9 6QN 23 4 58.0144 -3.85397
KW9 6QP 16 0 58.015732 -3.857979