all postcodes in KY11 / DUNFERMLINE

find any address or company within the KY11 postcode district

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY11 2BP 14 2 56.036405 -3.418672
KY11 2BS 12 0 56.035902 -3.417064
KY11 2BT 6 3 56.03434 -3.420859
KY11 2BU 37 0 56.036 -3.423392
KY11 2BW 38 2 56.036572 -3.422883
KY11 2BX 1 1 56.02902 -3.438717
KY11 2DA 26 0 56.033634 -3.413434
KY11 2DB 42 0 56.033321 -3.414883
KY11 2DD 1 1 56.028835 -3.433751
KY11 2DE 28 0 56.034927 -3.422148
KY11 2DF 33 0 56.035057 -3.423341
KY11 2DG 14 0 56.035356 -3.423881
KY11 2DH 42 0 56.034204 -3.413166
KY11 2DJ 26 0 56.033118 -3.410687
KY11 2DL 15 0 56.03253 -3.411051
KY11 2DN 48 0 56.032911 -3.418559
KY11 2EA 2 2 56.029014 -3.443432
KY11 2EH 11 0 56.034554 -3.41947
KY11 2EJ 21 0 56.033519 -3.416415
KY11 2EL 33 0 56.033487 -3.417714