all postcodes in KY / Kirkcaldy

find any address or company within the KY postcode area

Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District

KY / Kirkcaldy

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY8 4LU 16 0 56.194741 -2.998454
KY8 4LW 12 0 56.195473 -3.000165
KY8 4LX 7 1 56.194459 -2.99885
KY8 4LY 22 6 56.19535 -2.997567
KY8 4LZ 14 11 56.194075 -2.998566
KY8 4NA 12 9 56.194993 -2.997316
KY8 4NB 5 4 56.195492 -2.996733
KY8 4ND 6 5 56.193891 -2.997997
KY8 4NE 10 9 56.194619 -2.997069
KY8 4NF 8 5 56.195034 -2.996625
KY8 4NG 5 3 56.195433 -2.996413
KY8 4NH 3 0 56.193932 -2.998694
KY8 4NJ 3 3 56.193724 -2.998882
KY8 4NL 3 2 56.193602 -2.999327
KY8 4NN 18 5 56.193609 -3.000681
KY8 4NP 3 3 56.19602 -2.9991
KY8 4NQ 2 1 56.195329 -2.997087
KY8 4NR 14 11 56.193524 -2.998039
KY8 4NS 39 2 56.194453 -3.000671
KY8 4NU 1 1 56.193418 -2.997811