all postcodes in KY / Kirkcaldy

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Postcode Area

KY / Kirkcaldy

Postcode District

KY / Kirkcaldy

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KY8 4JG 14 0 56.198306 -2.991939
KY8 4JH 4 0 56.198962 -2.99202
KY8 4JJ 7 0 56.199626 -2.991006
KY8 4JL 30 0 56.201146 -2.989707
KY8 4JQ 3 0 56.198444 -2.992684
KY8 4JS 1 1 56.199114 -2.993217
KY8 4LA 7 3 56.196639 -2.999309
KY8 4LB 8 0 56.196422 -2.999597
KY8 4LD 12 5 56.196372 -2.997836
KY8 4LE 10 7 56.195864 -2.997323
KY8 4LF 11 2 56.196351 -2.997094
KY8 4LG 8 0 56.197003 -2.996531
KY8 4LH 26 0 56.195706 -2.997963
KY8 4LJ 25 0 56.195459 -2.998537
KY8 4LL 28 0 56.194989 -2.999943
KY8 4LP 9 1 56.19539 -3.000618
KY8 4LQ 1 1 56.193116 -3.002763
KY8 4LR 8 0 56.195237 -3.000385
KY8 4LS 7 1 56.196432 -3.001805
KY8 4LT 3 3 56.194761 -3.00173